Here's the cover of my next novel, Burn Me Deadly. The artwork was done by Jean-Sebastien Rossbach, who also did the paperback cover for The Sword-Edged Blonde.
So what do you think?
The blog of author Alex Bledsoe.
I'm gonna lose these blues I've found, down in Lucky Town...
--Bruce Springsteen, "Lucky Town" (1992)
Whoo hoo! Can't wait!!!!!!!
Classic paperback Fantasy cover, Alex. Very nice.
This is awesome!!
I run a space opera magazine which is renowned for having great covers. This cover rocks. It features many of the things I look for; a sense of place, of time, of activity. It has actual people caught doing something I'd like to know more about in a frozen moment in time. Finally, it makes me want to buy the book. Three thumbs up!
Good choice. I like it very much. And it fits to the content...
It is just the right classic cover for this book.
Fabulous! Love it!
Thanks to everyone for their comments, and I'm tickled that everyone likes it. I like it, too, so I'm glad that seems to be the consensus as well.
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